Office of Medical Education
Research and Development
College of Human Medicine

Office of Medical Education
Research and Development
College of Human Medicine


Choose from the tutorials below

Creating Posters in PowerPoint

Effective PowerPoint for Medical Educators

How to Develop a Curriculum: A Self-Paced Tutorial

Handbook of Learner Evaluation and Test Item Construction

Item Analysis

New Preceptor Orientation Modules

PBL Oral Patient Presentations

Preparing Test Blueprints or "Grids"

Program Evaluation Tutorial

Teaching the Newest Generation of Medical Students

Web 2.0 Tools

Writing Problem-Solving Test Items


Web 2.0 Tools

Web 2.0 image

In this brief tutorial – Web 2.0: An Overview of Second Generation Web Tools – you will quickly be introduced to the Web 2.0, it characteristics, and to some of the pros and cons of using web tools (e.g., Blogs, Wikis and RSS) in education.