Chi Chang, PhD, MS

PhD Michigan State University: Measurement and Quantitative Methods

Chi Chang is an associate professor in the Office of Medical Education Research and Development (OMERAD) and Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. She earned her Ph.D. in Measurement and Quantitative Methods from Michigan State University. She holds master’s degrees in Biostatistics and Educational Administration and Policy, and has a background in teacher education, educational psychology, and counseling. Before joining OMERAD, she was a research assistant professor in the Methodology Group in the College of Education at the University of New Mexico. She has been a statistical consultant since 2007 and has collaborated on numerous grants.


Scholarly Work 

Chang’s research interests center on classification methodologies and cognitive diagnostic assessments. She evaluates the quality of parameter estimation among statistical methods under various conditions using simulation studies. Her psychometric research focuses on diagnosing students’ cognitive skills and exploring methodologies to better assess students’ progress performance, clinical knowledge, and clinical skills.


Areas of Interest

Chang’s interests include multilevel modeling, finite mixture modeling, measurement invariance, meta-analysis, and computer vision. Currently, her research is focused on applying neural network algorithms to optimize classification accuracy. She has projects applying computer vision and natural language processing techniques to facilitate the behavioral coding process in medical education assessment.


Chi Chang

Associate Professor

East Fee Hall
965 Wilson Road Rm A214C
East Lansing, MI 48824

Phone: 517-353-3454