Medical Educator - Excellence in Teaching (MEET) Certificate Program

Physicians teach every day. But what does it mean to be an effective teacher?  Being an effective physician does not necessarily mean that you are prepared to be an effective teacher who is skilled in questioning, turn-taking, listening, and uncovering what students understand. The Shared Discovery Curriculum provides a unique opportunity to make an impact in a student-centered model of learning. The OMERAD sponsored Medical Education Certificate Program will work with MSU-SDC faculty each year (from Grand Rapids and East Lansing) for an academic year-long inquiry on teaching. At the end of the program, participants will have a strong start on scholarship around their experience as a medical educator and a certificate as a graduate of MEET.

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*This program is open to both Lead Fellows and Team Fellows who teach for the Learning Societies in the CHM Academy.



  • Practice ideas learned in faculty development with observation and feedback
  • Collaborate with other fellows, sharing ideas and strategies
  • Develop more competence and confidence in your teaching skills
  • Grow as a medical education scholar


Certificate Program Unique Features:

  • Participate in eight, 1-1.5-hour online study groups across the year
    • Study groups will be scheduled according to group availability
  • Practice applying ideas discussed in study groups and analyze results of practice
  • Receive three to four 1-hour individual observations of teaching practice by veteran educators utilizing observation tools which will provide data for 30-minute individual debriefing conversations
  • Analyze your own practice with an educator coach as you analyze videos of your small group teaching
  • Learn how to use Action Research to improve your teaching practice and engage in scholarly work on your teaching
  • Present results of your Action Research in a scholarship showcase in May 
  • Earn 13.5 CME credits (if applicable)
  • All materials are included


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Requirements for Certificate:

  • Attendance at all study groups and Showcase
  • Participation in all learning activities


Time Commitment Estimation:

  • In-person study groups and showcase (13.5 hours)
  • Three-four 30 min. Zoom debriefs after observation (2 hours)
  • Scholarly project work (4+ hours)




Program Director

Stacey Pylman, Ph.D. OMERAD