PhDc Michigan State University College of Education
Julie Christensen is an instructor in the Office of Medical Education Research and Development (OMERAD) in the College of Human Medicine at Michigan State University (MSU). She is also a doctoral candidate in MSU’s Curriculum, Instruction and Teacher Education (CITE) program in the College of Education. In OMERAD, Christensen supports faculty development in both classroom and clinical based learning contexts, focusing on effective instructional strategies and learning environments.
Scholarly Work
Christensen has spent the last five years working with and researching teachers’ responsive instruction and the use of learning progressions to support formative assessment. Results of her research has been published and presented at conferences. During her time in the MSU College of Education, Christensen has also served as part of a leadership team that provided professional learning to practicing teachers on learning progressions, formative assessment, responsive instruction, and equity-based inquiry.
Areas of Interest
Christensen is interested in teacher education, faculty development, and science education. She is excited to join the College of Human Medicine as a teacher educator and researcher.