Robert Malinowski, PhD, DVM, MA

PhD Michigan State University: Educational Psychology and Educational Technology

DVM Michigan State University: Veterinary Medicine

MA Michigan State University: Digital Media Art and Technology

Robert Malinowski, assistant professor in OMERAD, provides high-level faculty leadership and subject matter expertise in support of CHM’s new Shared Discovery Curriculum. He also provides leadership for Academic Affairs on investing in dynamic incorporation of technology and methods into teaching and assessment. In 2015, Malinowski received the Distinguished Faculty Award for his teaching efforts in the Online Master of Science in Food Safety program. In 2019, he completed the Lilly Teaching Fellows Program with a scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) project titled “Evaluating Student Competence in the Shared Discovery Curriculum”.


Scholarly Work 

Malinowski collaborates with the Just in Time Medicine (JIT) and Assessment teams. He creates curricular content in JIT and works with the development team to improve functionality and optimize faculty and student experiences. He works with the Assessment team to address the needs of the Student Competence Committee, generate reports that highlight trends and areas of concern, facilitate the Progress Suite of Assessments and provide oversight and support for the implementation of the multi-source feedback process to better meet CHM’s needs, process improvements and refinements.


Areas of Interest

Malinowski is dedicated to the advancement of medical education and leverages his unique combination of expertise in medicine, technology and education to advance the mission of the College of Human Medicine. He is especially interested in innovations in assessment, curriculum design and educational technology.

Photo of Robert Malinowski

Assistant Professor

East Fee Hall
965 Wilson Road Rm A206B
East Lansing, MI 48824

Phone: 517-353-9174