Amy Greenberg, MEd

MEd Leslie University: Education

Amy Greenberg is an academic specialist in OMERAD and currently serves as Director of Student Success. In OMERAD, in addition to engaging in medical education research she works directly with faculty on teaching and learning projects that focus on teaching effectiveness, supporting students in their transition to medical school, and supporting metacognition for both teachers and students.

Scholarly Work 

Greenberg’s work in medical education is focused on the nexus of teaching and learning at the level of the individual and the institutionl. She explores how preceptors promote metacognition and learning in students. She is also interested in how medical students develop both their clinical reasoning skills and their professional identity. She is an integral part of the team working to enhance the large group experience for first year students. She is also leading a research project in collaboration with Zucker/Hofstra Medical School that is looking at supporting development of Self-Regulated Learning in medical students transitioning to a medical school with an integrated curriculum.


Areas of Interest 

Greenberg is currently a doctoral student in the Higher, Adult and Lifelong Education (HALE) program here at MSU. She has diverse interests in teacher education/development, metacognition, clinical reasoning and leadership development. In OMERAD she is currently leading teacher development through the MSU-McLaren Medical Education Fellowship and supporting teaching and learning in the Shared Discovery Curriculum (SDC).

Photo of Amy Ward

Medical Education Learning Specialist

East Fee Hall
965 Wilson Rd Rm A202
East Lansing, MI 48824

Phone: 517-884-1860